Beachbody was founded in 1998, primarily with the purpose of selling fitness videos (yes, videos) through infomercials. As they built up their library of workout programmes, it became clear that they were selling as much by word of mouth as they were through their infomercial platform. So the decision was made to bring customers into the company as coaches, helping people find a programme that worked for them, and working with them to help them achieve their goals.
Since then, Beachbody has expanded their workout catalogue, added standalone nutrition plans, a superfood nutrition shake that’s categorised as food in the UK and therefore is zero rated for VAT, and continues to market the brand through coaches, having given up selling through infomercials. And although some programmes are still available on DVD, the move has been away from physical hard copies of individual programmes and towards complete online access to all programmes.
Beachbody’s mission is to help people achieve their goals to live health, fulfilling lives, and to that end they search continuously for new trainers and new formats to bring to the catalogue so that there really is something for everyone. So whether you’re looking for yoga, dance workouts, HIIT, lifting, or anything else, if you can’t find it on Beachbody On Demand, it doesn’t exist.