Thanks for tracking me down. Whether you’ve found me through one of the many social media platforms, direct from Beachbody themselves, or by some other means, I’m really glad you could drop by. So let me tell you a bit about what it is I do here.
As a coach with Team Beachbody, it’s my job to help you find a path to health that works best for you, whether that’s weight management (we don’t just do weight loss here), exercise, or both. I’ll hook you up with a programme to suit you, success and accountability groups that will help keep you on track, and one to one and group calls with me to answer any questions, share tips and experiences, and get you to achieve your health and wellness goals.
So, how do we do that?
We have a whole arsenal of tools at our disposal.
– Over 1100 workouts from more than 50 programmes, designed for anyone of any fitness level or ability, each with its own nutrition plan to help you maximise your results.
– Two different but complementary standalone weight management plans that will teach you to shop more effectively, cook great, nutritious, delicious meals, and manage your weight effectively.
– A superfood shake that’s made from all natural ingredients, helping you to not only curb your cravings but also provide you with nutrients that our depleted soil can no longer provide you with.
– Online support and accountability groups that allow you to share your experiences and help others doing the same.
– Me as your coach, guiding you every step of the way.
What next?
Take a look around and see what grabs your interest. If you would like to know more, just get in touch and I’ll be happy to talk things through with you to see whether I’m the right coach for you and to get you started. There are lots of different ways I can help you, and lots of different ways to contact me. You can drop me an email, track me down on social media, probably even phone me (my number is on my Beachbody website).